For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

Let us help you grow deep roots of faith by connecting with God through one of the Sunday morning or weekly bible studies at FSBC Lawrence.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Studies

Growing in the Word

9:00am - 10:00am weekly

Our Sunday morning Bible studies are for all ages and you may join them at any time. These studies offer ways to strengthen your faith and build connections with other believers. Read more about our Sunday adult classes below or learn about our Kids Connection children's classes.

Co-Ed Class

Annex Building - West Room

This Co-ed class provides an opportunity to think deeply about the Scriptures.

Co-Ed Class

Annex Building - North Room

This class is currently participating in a video-discussion series based on the Bible Project’s Introduction to the Hebrew Bible.

Co-Ed Class


Our multi-generational class welcomes those looking for a place to study God's Word at a leisurely place.

Ladies Class

Room 103

This is an engaging class of senior adult ladies who meet weekly to study topics in God's word.

Ladies Class

Room 103

This is an engaging class of senior adult ladies who meet weekly to study topics in God's word.

College &
Career Class

Room 109

Join us for a small group geared for young adults who are either college, graduate school, or beginning their careers.

Intersection Student Ministries Class

Room 112

This Co-ed student class is for 7th - 12th graders.

Small Group Bible Studies

Sunday Afternoon Ladies

3:30-5:30pm in Library

The Sunday Afternoon Ladies Bible study meets from 3:30-5:30pm on Sundays in the church library. For more information about the group, please contact Sandra Drake. 

Monday Evening Mens

7:00-8:00pm in MAC/Gym

Men’s Bible Study meets at 7:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Mondays. It is open to all men, no sign-up required. Contact teachers Phil Corkins with any questions.

Tuesday Morning Ladies

9:00-11:00am in Library

The Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible study meets from 9:00-11:00am on Tuesdays in the church library. Complimentary childcare is available during the Bible Study.

For more information about the group, contact Stephanie Hamby with any questions.

Wednesday Evening Co-Ed

6:00-7:00pm in Library

This co-ed intergenerational Bible study is a wonderful way to grow deeper in your understanding of the Scriptures. The group meets in the Library.

Wednesday Evening Students

6:00-7:00pm in Students Room

On Wednesday nights, the 7th - 12th Grade Students meet from 6:00-8:00pm in the M.A.C. for a time of fun, fellowship, and Bible study. Contact Michael Garner, youth intern, with questions.  

Thursday Evening Ladies

6:30-8:00pm in Zoom

The Thursday evening Bible study meets from 6:30-8:00pm on Thursdays in Zoom. For more information about the group, Contact Rhonda Ferguson with questions. 

Want More Information About Sunday Bible Studies and Weekly Small Groups?

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